Posted in Secrets of world martial arts

Slavic martial arts. Alexander Shevtsov

Since ancient times in Rus, martial arts have been an integral part of one’s lifestyle and they were one of the elements of daily training. From historical viewpoint, Slavic martial arts is about very broad…

Posted in Martial art Masters

The obstacles for the rapid response team

What can prevent one from effectively opposing an opponent? Ivan Burakov, the instructor of military special training, the Judo master has answered the question.   – The officers of the rapid response team often have…

Posted in Secrets of world martial arts

What is the origin of Destreza?

Destreza is one of the most effective systems of fencing. It presents a science by itself, in the basis of which there is a fundamental knowledge in the area of Spanish fencing. The history of…

Posted in Secrets of world martial arts

What is Kali Filipino system?

In one of the previous articles we spoke about the Filipino martial arts and their origin. The time has come to look into more deeply into the filipino kali system and the reason it is…

Posted in Events and News

The origin of disputes between sport and combat training

Can a sportsman be mistaken about his own advantages? What is the significance of combat preparation in a street fight? The physical aspect for winning in a fight depends on person’s characteristics. However, when we…