Tag: weapon

Posted in Martial art Masters
Ron Kosakowski about Kuntao and traditional Filipino weapons
Kuntao is a Hokkien term for the martial arts of the Chinese community of Southeast Asia, specifically the Malay Archipelago. Ron Kosakowski – Kuntao Martial art instructor, Filipino weapons dealer. Guro of the system Ron…

Posted in Secrets of world martial arts
What is the origin of Destreza?
Destreza is one of the most effective systems of fencing. It presents a science by itself, in the basis of which there is a fundamental knowledge in the area of Spanish fencing. The history of…
Martial arts and business. Sergey Shestakov
Nowadays, the main questions in regard to speculations in the field of martial arts are ones about the relation between martial arts and business structures; and why did masters and teachers in the past share…