Category: Secrets of world martial arts

Setting up your opponents
Feints are in the arsenal of every skilled martial artist. Whether you look at the heavy-handed boxer, Roberto Duran or the ever-elusive MMA fighter Israel Adesanya. The ability to lure your opponent into a reaction…

Interview with Lee Groves. History and nowadays in boxing
Interview with Lee Groves, boxing historian, journalist for the Ring magazine and author of the “Muhammad Ali: by the numbers” (co-author: Bob Canobbio). The winner of two Boxing Writers Association of America awards, Groves wrote…
JEET KUNE DO — “Way of the intercepting fist”
A conversation between academician Oleg Maltsev and Grand Maestro Dan Inosanto.
The Jeet Kune Do martial arts approach still fascinates many. Especially today, it seems as if there is a second wave that is no less relevant than in Bruce Lee’s day. Lee can rightfully be defined as an unparalleled figure of the 20th century: martial artist, actor, director, screenwriter, producer, philosopher, simply an outstanding individual with a great sense of humor, in combination with striking self-discipline—all in one person.

Street Fighting vs. Ring Fighting
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of World of Martial Arts. “street fighter… People who attach this label to themselves…

The Secret to Fighting Article
“A true champion is one who sweats from exhaustion when no one is watching.” Bas Rutten, former UFC Heavyweight Champion and three-time King of Pancrase. People are always looking for a shortcut to success. In…

Effectiveness of TMA, Wushu and Karate in MMA
Let me begin this article by saying I love all martial arts. And if you enjoy practicing karate, taekwondo, tai chi, or wushu, by all means. Keep doing it. Also, while I practice fighting arts,…

Counterattack in the Spanish fencing school
It is not a secret that Spanish fencing school had a big influence in the medieval European history. One of the facts is that the Charles V and his well-prepared army had conquered almost the…

Slavic martial arts. Alexander Shevtsov
Since ancient times in Rus, martial arts have been an integral part of one’s lifestyle and they were one of the elements of daily training. From historical viewpoint, Slavic martial arts is about very broad…

What is the origin of Destreza?
Destreza is one of the most effective systems of fencing. It presents a science by itself, in the basis of which there is a fundamental knowledge in the area of Spanish fencing. The history of…

What is Kali Filipino system?
In one of the previous articles we spoke about the Filipino martial arts and their origin. The time has come to look into more deeply into the filipino kali system and the reason it is…

Transition elements of combat sambo
The International marathon dedicated to the project “Enigma of Russian fencing school “was held in January 2018 with the assistance of the “Scientific Research Institute of world martial art traditions study and criminalistics research of…

“Lepka” and “Makhalovo” are legendary systems of Academician Popov
“In the 30’s of the last century, Soviet scientists were set the task to develop effective close combat systems for ordinary people, for army units and NKVD officers. It was during this period when Sambo…