Tag: Bram Frank

Bare hands vs armed person
Bram Frank is Grand Master of Filipino Martial Arts, master of the Blade in Modern Arnis. Bram Frank is a first-generation personal student, and disciple of the late Grandmaster Remy Presas, the Father and Founder…

Grand Master Bram Frank about his teacher Professor Remy Presas
Bram Frank – Grand Master of Filipino Martial Arts about his teacher Professor Remy Presas

Grand Master Bram Frank about his teacher Grand Master Clarence Murray
“Such people as Clarence Murray, deduce style out of it limits, dismantle any borders; it’s are a source of inspiration in all undertakings”. Bram Frank, Grand Master of the Filipino martial arts Quite recently in…

Numbering cutting system
It is an all known fact that modern Filipino Martial Arts are considered to be one of the most effective systems when it comes to blade weapons. Needless to say FMA topic is indispensable in…

The origins of Filipino martial arts and European knights
It is an all known fact that modern Filipino Martial Arts are considered to be unique. This martial art, no doubt, differs from other ones as it is based on mixture of different styles, even…