Tag: oleg maltsev
JEET KUNE DO — “Way of the intercepting fist”
A conversation between academician Oleg Maltsev and Grand Maestro Dan Inosanto.
The Jeet Kune Do martial arts approach still fascinates many. Especially today, it seems as if there is a second wave that is no less relevant than in Bruce Lee’s day. Lee can rightfully be defined as an unparalleled figure of the 20th century: martial artist, actor, director, screenwriter, producer, philosopher, simply an outstanding individual with a great sense of humor, in combination with striking self-discipline—all in one person.

How did students of Cus D’Amato switch to the state of a predatory animal?
The history of world boxing knows a huge number of champions. Their names one can find in the boxing halls of fame, on the official websites of international boxing associations. However, there are names that…

Structure of the book “Non-compromised pendulum”
The result of the joint work of Tom Patti, student of Cus D’Amato, US elected official and Ph.D Oleg Maltsev, scientist and Grand Maestroat a meeting held this year in New York, USA is the…

Scientific expedition to the homeland of Cus D’Amato
From 1st to 14th December 2017 Expeditionary Corps with the guidance of Ph.D. Oleg Maltsev overcame more than 1000 km to find the answer to a key question: what is the origin of Cus D’Amato’s…

Unique International Project “Science of Victory”
We are happy to announce that our core publication “World of Martial Arts” has become a media partner of an international project Science of Victory, which will be held from October 26 to November 4,…

“Snake bite”. Second Echelon of the Palermitan Style of Spanish Fencing
In continuation of the study of the Palermitan system of Spanish fencing in the framework of one of the programs “The Science of Victory” Grand Maestro Oleg Maltsev had explained and demonstrated the second echelon,…

Uncompromising defense barehanded against a knife
Within the framework of a closed seminar which was visited by a group of our journalists, Grand Maestro Oleg Maltsev has touched upon a very important topic in the field of martial arts and demonstrated…

Italian fencing. Schools of Turin and Milan
We continue researches in the field of the Italian fencing together with Grand Maestro Oleg Maltsev within the framework of broadcast “Science of victory” for the project “Lies and Truth about Martial Arts”. This time…

Maestro Anatael Palmero Ramos. Tolete stick technique
In the framework of expedition on Tenerife island (Spain) of Expeditionary Corpus lead by scientist and Grand Maestro Oleg Maltsev, there was a free training lesson with Maestro Anatael Palmero Ramos, the head of ancient…

Spanish fencing. “Judgment of two Destrezas. Truth and Lie” Treatise “Greatness of a Sword” by Luis Pacheco de Narvaez
As part of research in the field of fencing there is a continuation of the study of treatise “Greatness of the sword” written by Luis Pacheco de Narvaez, studies are lead by Grand Maestro Oleg…

Italian Fencing School. Over-extreme limit level methodology of instruction
Continuing the previous series of lectures Dr. Maltsev told about the third level of Italian fencing. Examples of personalities of this level are well-known fencing masters such as Giacomo Di Grassi and Francesco Alfieri. In…

The treatise “The Art of Superior Sword Handling”. Free lesson with Grand Maestro Oleg Maltsev
Yesterday, in a live broadcast with Grand Maestro Oleg Maltsev there was a lesson on Italian fencing in the framework of “Lies and Truth about martial arts” project. This lesson is a completion of the…