Tag: Kali

Posted in Martial art Masters
Jon Rister. Life. Kali. Jeet Kune Do
Jon Rister – head instructor in the Rister international martial arts instructor association Kali Eskrima FMA, Wing Chun Silat pentjak, Jeet Kune Do, Close combat tactical solutions. 1. Dear Sifu Rister, describe please yourself. Where were you born? I…

Posted in Martial art Masters
SCS, Eskrima – Kali – Arnis, Knife fighting. Frans and Leonora Stroeven
Frans Stroeven – founder of Stroeven Combat System International. This system concentrates on self-defense, and makes the student aware of the danger and effectivity of sticks and pointed weapons. The training is oriented towards armed…

Posted in Secrets of world martial arts
What is Kali Filipino system?
In one of the previous articles we spoke about the Filipino martial arts and their origin. The time has come to look into more deeply into the filipino kali system and the reason it is…