Who Ordered the Smear Campaign Against Oleg Maltsev?

It all started when I found an article in the Jewish Review titled “The Maltsev Case: Arrest and Harassment of a Jewish Scientist in Ukraine.” The article detailed the arrest of Oleg Maltsev, an internationally renowned scientist, who had been arrested on charges of espionage and forming an illegal paramilitary group. At first glance, it seemed like a typical case, which, unfortunately, is common these days. But something about it didn’t sit right. There was clearly a more intricate story behind the headlines.

Curious, I Googled Oleg Maltsev to find out why he was at the center of such serious accusations. What I discovered was a maze of contradictions: from praise for his scientific work to accusations of pseudoscience and claims of cooperation with foreign intelligence services. The case clearly had many layers, and I resolved to investigate further.

Who is Oleg Maltsev?

As I started researching Maltsev, the sheer number of his publicly accessible works was the first thing that caught my attention. This wasn’t just a small selection—there were numerous books and scientific papers on diverse topics, including philosophy, criminology, psychology, and history. That immediately raised a question: how could someone with such an impressive output be accused of being a pseudoscientist?

What I found was this: those who accuse Maltsev of being a pseudoscientist never mention any of his specific works. They don’t provide a single example to demonstrate that any of his books or articles contain scientific errors, fall short of academic standards, or misrepresent facts. Accusations of “pseudoscience” typically appear on unreliable platforms that, as I noted, fail to cite factual data, reference his scientific papers, or include peer reviews from credible experts. These are simply claims without any supporting evidence.

Conversely, I found many facts supporting the idea that Maltsev’s scientific research is recognized by the international academic community. For example, his contributions to criminology and psychology have garnered support from distinguished scholars like Professor Harvey Wolf Kushner, who participated in the investigation of the September 11 attacks. Professor Antonio Nicaso, an expert in organized crime, even flew to Odessa at Maltsev’s invitation to collaborate on research. Moreover, Professor Jerome Krase from Brooklyn College and Professor Emilio Viano, president of the International Society of Criminology, have worked with Maltsev at various scientific conferences and seminars.

Not to mention that Maltsev, alongside Kushner, organized the publication of Ukrainian scientists in the prestigious journal American Behavioral Scientist, which boasts a high citation index. This is a reputable scientific journal that cannot reasonably be classified as “dubious” or “unreliable.” Given this context, the accusations of pseudoscience appear not only unconvincing but also clearly aimed at discrediting Oleg Maltsev.

The History of Maltsev’s Public Conflict With the Russian Orthodox Church

As I further explored information about Maltsev, I stumbled upon many articles discussing his long-standing and quite public conflict with the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). I found that this conflict is not merely another academic disagreement with religious authorities; it’s a real war with clear and significant outcomes.

Burned cars, accusations of cultism (or sectarianism), and claims of pseudoscience were all part of a campaign to discredit Maltsev in both Ukrainian and Russian media. Throughout the years of this confrontation, Maltsev has been repeatedly accused of establishing a “cult,” and those around him have faced significant pressure and harassment. I especially noticed that there is a wealth of online materials detailing the specifics of these conflicts over the years.

It’s worth mentioning that amid this confrontation, Maltsev established scientific relationships with international experts in religious studies. In Italy, he encountered Massimo Introvigne, a professor of sociology of religion and a leading authority in the study of cults and religious movements. Their partnership evolved into several scientific seminars held in Ukraine, where they crafted joint methodologies to address religious extremism. This research primarily focused on the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church, its influence over state structures, and its aggressive tactics to suppress dissent.

In 2019, a documentary film called “License for Crimes” was released, showcasing the strategies used by Russia to exert its influence through religious organizations. The film takes aim at the Russian Orthodox Church, portraying it as an instrument of state propaganda and repression. It demonstrates how the church works closely with entities such as the FSB and the Center E (Center for Combating Extremism), revealing how the ROC fosters and develops extremist groups to quell dissent both within and outside Russia.

For Maltsev, this documentary was more than just a platform to share his scientific perspective; it was a pivotal move in his battle against the religious dictatorship of the Russian Orthodox Church. But I found an ironic twist: the materials from the movie, which reveal the tactics of the Russian Church and its allies, are now being used against Maltsev himself as evidence of his “extremist activities.” Honestly, that seems completely ridiculous in this context.

New Charges: What Is Oleg Maltsev Being Accused Of?

Since Oleg Maltsev’s arrest on September 12, 2024, the charges against him have taken a darker turn. From 2014 to 2018, he was labeled a “false scientist,” “cultist,” and “Templar.” Now, however, he faces much graver accusations, including “traitor to the motherland,” “GRU employee,” and “organizer of a private military company” (PMC). Interestingly, these new charges are being presented alongside the old narratives that were used against Maltsev years ago.

According to the SBU, Maltsev was involved in espionage activities supporting Russia, with his scientific and humanitarian initiatives purportedly serving as a facade for operational tasks delegated by Russian security agencies. The investigation claims he organized an illegal paramilitary unit that was preparing to take control of state institutions in Odessa. The accusations state that this group was preparing to carry out sabotage operations if Russian troops targeted strategically important sites in the region. Furthermore, there are allegations that Maltsev leveraged his influence over the scientific community to engage young scientists and students in training focused on sabotage and military tactics.

According to the SBU, Maltsev’s scientific research and participation in international conferences are framed as efforts to gather intelligence. Additionally, his legally registered weapons for the Olympic discipline of skeet are portrayed as part of an arsenal supposedly intended for an armed coup. His sports and scientific activities are depicted as training grounds for future “saboteurs.”

Examining the Charges Made by the SBU

The SBU claims that Oleg Maltsev led a covert organization associated with the Russian security services that aimed to take over state institutions in Odessa. Additionally, as mentioned previously, the allegations suggest that his group was preparing for armed actions against the Ukrainian defense forces if Russian troops attacked Odessa. However, a detailed analysis of these claims highlights their inconsistencies and lack of credibility.

First of all, there isn’t a shred of direct evidence linking Maltsev to the GRU or showing his involvement in any sabotage activity. All information reported to the media and on Telegram channels comes from leaked sources within the SBU, which inherently calls into question the legality and impartiality of the investigation.

The SBU reported that more than 70 weapons, along with telescopic sights, body armor, helmets, and other tactical equipment, were confiscated from Maltsev. This announcement has sparked a host of questions. Let’s take a closer look at the facts:

  • Weapon: Firstly, it’s crucial to point out that all the weapons seized were legally registered and used for sport shooting. Maltsev has been dedicated to the Olympic skeet shooting for many years, providing him with valid reasons to own these firearms. Among the items seized were hunting rifles fitted with telescopic sights, which are entirely lawful. The body armor and helmets could have been for personal protection, which is not considered a crime in light of the military operations currently taking place in the country.
  • Collector’s Knives: Among the items seized was a knife bearing the FSB logo, presented as “proof” of Maltsev’s connections to the Russian security services. Using such artifacts as evidence seems absurd; it’s hard to believe that a GRU agent would keep such blatant proof on hand.
  • Questions About the Group Size: The SBU alleges that Maltsev commanded an entire network of “underground groups,” including snipers and reconnaissance and assault units. Yet, only two individuals have been detained—Maltsev himself and his assistant. If this were a legitimate task force, why haven’t any “snipers” or “saboteurs” been arrested? Furthermore, how could a group of just 20 people seize administrative buildings in a city with millions of residents and maintain control? This claim appears illogical and absurd, particularly considering that the majority of his research institute staff consists of young women, not combatants.
  • Timing of the Arrest: One of the key questions is why Maltsev wasn’t arrested immediately when his weapons were first seized in March 2024. At that time, the firearms were checked, and the court ordered them to be returned to their owner since they were entirely legal. However, six months later, these same weapons suddenly become “evidence” in a case involving espionage and sabotage preparation.

Questionable Evidence

The investigation also points to Maltsev’s possession of “sabotage activities” instructions. However, much of this material likely pertains to his research and development in shooting disciplines. For instance, Maltsev has been deeply involved in creating Urban Tactical Shooting (UTS), a new discipline that merges firearms training with tactical operations in urban environments. It’s quite possible that his research and training have been misinterpreted as “subversive activities” without grasping their true nature.

Assertions regarding the group’s activation during the summer of 2024 are also questionable. If this group truly existed and posed a threat, why was there no concrete action taken for several months? If they had been activated, why wasn’t the group apprehended while committing illegal acts? The arrest of Maltsev and his colleague appears to be a delayed response, suggesting a lack of substantial evidence.

An important factor that raises questions about the charges is Maltsev’s actions. Following the first search in March 2024, he could have easily fled Ukraine to avoid arrest, given the seriousness of the allegations. However, he opted to remain in the country and continue his scientific endeavors, which is unusual for someone allegedly involved in espionage. This choice indicates his belief in his innocence and his determination to seek justice.

Shooting Sports and Science

Among all the accusations leveled against Oleg Maltsev, his enthusiasm for shooting disciplines has garnered particular scrutiny. This was more than just a hobby for him; shooting sports constituted a significant area of his scientific research, with his friend and colleague Ennio Falco playing a pivotal role in this endeavor.

Ennio Falco is not merely a professional shooter; he is a four-time world champion and Olympic gold medalist in skeet shooting. He achieved this distinction in 1996 at the Atlanta Olympics, solidifying his reputation as one of the finest shooters of our era. Throughout his career, Falco consistently ranked among the best in the world, earning him legendary status in the sport. It was alongside him that Maltsev began rigorous training and collaboration, which ultimately evolved into joint scientific research worth discussing in detail.

Drawing from these training sessions, Maltsev authored several scientific works that incorporated his personal experiences along with his extensive knowledge of psychology and cognitive processes. These books have evolved into more than just sports manuals; they offer a scientific examination of shooting sports through the lens of the human mind.

Here are a few key books by Maltsev that focus on skeet and shooting sports:

  1. “Shooter with the Orange Stock”. In this book, Maltsev explores the methodology behind training shooters. It addresses not only the technical aspects of shooting but also critical psychological factors such as concentration and stress management. Maltsev reveals theories on how engaging in shooting sports can enhance cognitive skills, making the book appealing to both athletes and researchers.
  2. “Shot to the sky”. This book shares Maltsev’s experiences working with world champions, including Ennio Falco. He examines the phenomenon of success through a blend of physical training and mental discipline. The focus here is on mental training and how mental toughness can lead to victories in international competitions.
  3. “The work of human mind in the mode of task solving. Volume 1”. In this book, Maltsev investigates how the brain processes complex tasks like shooting. It offers an in-depth exploration of the cognitive functions essential for achieving high performance in competitive settings.
  4. “Consciousness. Training Theory. Volume 2”. This sequel further examines the training process. Maltsev provides specific recommendations for developing training programs tailored to athletes, with a particular emphasis on precision sports such as shooting.
  5. “How to Become a World Champion in Five Years”. In this book, Maltsev shares unique techniques he developed alongside Falco. It presents a step-by-step training system grounded in scientific research, illustrating how discipline, systematic training, and mental preparation can help athletes achieve world-class victories.

The Project of His Own Skeet Range

In addition to his academic and writing endeavors, Maltsev was reportedly working on an exciting project. Alongside Falco, he aimed to establish a cutting-edge skeet shooting range in the Odessa region, which would have been the first of its kind to adhere to international standards. This endeavor likely caused unease among the local monopolists in the sports sector, as it could disrupt their market dominance.

International Support: Who Stood Up for Oleg Maltsev?

The news of Oleg Maltsev’s arrest quickly resonated beyond Ukraine, sparking reactions from colleagues and friends across the globe. It shocked many that the scientist, known for his active engagement in international scientific work, found himself facing accusations of espionage and organizing illegal formations. Once news of the arrest reached Maltsev’s colleagues overseas, they quickly rallied to show their support.

Jerome Krase, a sociology professor at Brooklyn College, has worked alongside Maltsev on various international initiatives for years. In interviews, he emphasizes that Maltsev is a respected figure in the scientific community. Krase expressed his astonishment at the arrest, struggling to comprehend how the charges could be substantiated. He asserts that Maltsev’s established reputation as a dedicated scientist committed to interdisciplinary research speaks volumes.

French sociologist Lucien Oulahbib, who also worked with Maltsev, highlighted the significance of his contributions to the advancement of scientific thought in Europe and Ukraine. He noted that Maltsev had been an active participant in numerous scientific conferences and was widely recognized as an expert in his field. The backing of colleagues like Oulahbib underscores the importance of Maltsev’s role within the international scientific community.

Among his Ukrainian colleagues, the support of Prof. Maxim Lepskiy stands out, as he has closely collaborated with Maltsev on various research initiatives. Lepskiy expressed that, as both a colleague and friend, he finds Maltsev’s arrest perplexing and filled with unanswered questions. He reminisced about their joint participation in major scientific conferences, emphasizing the significance and impact of Maltsev’s work for both Ukraine and the broader scientific community.

Kim Kanevsky, an esteemed journalist in Ukraine, also came forward to defend Maltsev, emphasizing that his extensive work, particularly in revitalizing significant scientific initiatives, merits acknowledgment rather than accusations. Kanevsky expressed his astonishment at the arrest and voiced hope that the truth would soon emerge.

All these voices share a common sentiment: the international scientific community regards Maltsev not merely as a scientist but as a leader whose contributions hold substantial significance. Oleg Maltsev’s reputation as a scientist devoted to the advancement of science and scientific relations remains indisputable, and his international colleagues continue to advocate for him, aware that he has always acted in the best interests of scientific progress and, ultimately, Ukraine.

Who Ordered the Smear Campaign Against Oleg Maltsev?

The question of who is behind Oleg Maltsev’s arrest remains unanswered. The gathered information suggests that this is not a random detention but a well-planned attack aimed at undermining his scientific reputation and eliminating him as an influential public figure. The investigation found no evidence of Maltsev’s anti-Ukrainian activities; on the contrary, his scientific work and projects aimed to develop Ukraine. 

Maltsev’s arrest reflects a deeper systemic issue regarding the suppression of independent thinking and scientists whose ideas could contribute to the country’s progress. In Ukraine, where smart and creative individuals are desperately needed, there is a troubling trend toward silencing dissent, especially among those who can enhance Ukraine’s international standing. Maltsev has become a victim of this system.

 But who is truly behind this? Several possible explanations merit consideration:

Version 1: Revenge of the Russian Orthodox Church
Maltsev has a long-standing reputation for openly challenging the Russian Orthodox Church. His works, which seek to expose religious extremism, have elicited fierce opposition from church institutions. It is possible that an old conflict has reignited, with those who once targeted Maltsev for his anti-clerical research looking to take advantage of the situation. Interestingly, long-standing narratives and allegations of “cultism” have resurfaced in the public domain, indicating a potential attempt by the ROC to undermine Maltsev through familiar tactics.

Version 2: Attempted Extortion
Oleg Maltsev is a prominent figure in Ukrainian academic and public life, which has inevitably drawn attention to him. Some sources suggest that his arrest may be linked to an extortion attempt aimed at obtaining money or resources. Supporting this theory is an incident from 2023 when Maltsev’s colleagues received a letter proposing to “resolve all issues” in exchange for a financial reward. It is possible that someone sought to exploit his popularity and connections, and the arrest was employed as a means of exerting pressure.

Version 3: Conflict of Interest in Skeet Shooting
Oleg Maltsev was actively involved in advancing the sport shooting discipline, specifically the Olympic skeet shooting. His plans to build a shooting range in the Odessa region could have generated dissatisfaction among his competitors. Since skeet shooting requires substantial financial investment, the introduction of a new, independent range might disrupt the current balance of power in the industry. Given his friendship with world champion Ennio Falco, Maltsev could have drawn elite athletes to his project, potentially provoking efforts to discredit him.

What Makes Oleg Maltsev Significant to Ukraine and the World?

Dr. Oleg Maltsev is not merely a scientist; he is a paradigm of how independent research that spans multiple disciplines can advance scientific knowledge while resisting pressures from both state entities and religious organizations. His work encompasses criminology, psychology, philosophy, anthropology, shooting sports, and personal security, making him a pivotal figure in various scientific circles in Ukraine and beyond.

Maltsev has continuously showcased Ukraine on the international scientific stage through his research. He has worked with esteemed scholars from the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, France, and other nations, organized global conferences, engaged in important scientific projects, and published in leading journals. His collaborative efforts with American professor Harvey Kushner on international terrorism have particularly resonated within the international academic community.

However, Maltsev’s significance extends beyond his scientific achievements. He represents the fight for freedom of thought and the independence of scientific inquiry, making his arrest particularly meaningful in the context of the ongoing struggle for scientists’ rights in Ukraine. Ukrainian society is confronted with challenges when political pressures or external forces attempt to limit the actions of those who operate beyond established norms.

Freedom and Independence in Science

Maltsev stands out as one of the few Ukrainian scientists who openly oppose the interference of state and religious institutions in science and personal freedoms. His scientific endeavors have consistently remained independent of political trends. He has received recognition from international scholars, including Jerome Krase, Lucien Oulahbib, Maxim Lepskiy, and others, who assert that the accusations against Maltsev are absurd and that his scientific career deserves protection. 

Oleg Maltsev’s research and efforts continue to draw global attention. The smear campaign against him is a temporary issue, and his scientific accomplishments will leave a lasting legacy.

Call to Action

This article is not merely a recounting of the circumstances surrounding a scientist’s arrest; it serves as a call to the international community to focus on Oleg Maltsev’s situation and advocate for his defense. The principles of scientific independence and freedom of speech should remain impervious to political fluctuations. Maltsev is entitled to a fair trial and the ability to continue his scientific work without fear of threats or persecution.

In Ukraine, protecting the rights of those striving for truth and independence is more vital than ever. Maltsev’s case is not just a singular instance; it is a critical test for the system as a whole. Will Ukraine be able to shield its scientists and uphold scientific freedom, or will it yield to pressure and devolve into a nation where independent thought is a threat to its proponents?

The answer to this pressing question lies within each of us.

Author: Wade Dunbar