Our school places high regard for:
– handling wide variety of weapons
– empty hand skills combat against an armed opponent
– training tactics and strategy
– mindset training and understanding the mindset of different types of opponents
Foundation of the school is wing chun (not to be confused with wing chun kuen) and Filipino martial arts.
Classes are meant to provide contact training to teach movement and angulation training in a way that it increases one’s ability to use the art in an efficient way as opposed to making fun drills.
Sifu Guro Jon Rister is available for one day seminars, weekly seminars, as well as seminars out of town and in different countries!
Cost of seminars in USA: $750 per day + extra expenses
Cost of seminars outside USA: $1,250 per day + extra expenses.
Cost of private training at school: starting at $ 500
Certified senior associate of Tuhan Inosanto Sifu Guru Jon Rister can raise your level of preparation no matter whether you are a professional in martial arts or just a beginner! We are always glad to see you in Rister International Martial Arts.
Contact information:
Official web site of Rister International Martial Arts: www.ristermartialarts.com
E-mail: sifugurojon@aol.com