Author: Ann Fisher

Meister Sifu Restita Dejeus über seinen Lehrer Ciriaco Cañete
Der Gast der nächsten Ausgabe des Programms «Honorable Knight» für das Projekt «Lies and Truth about Martial Arts», in dem wir über Lehrer sprechen, die das Leben ihrer Schüler beeinflusst haben Sifu Restita Dejesus –…

Sifu Alvaro Nascimento about his Teacher Master Kan Wing Yat. Honorable Knight
Our most recent guest of the “Honorable Knight” program in the framework of the “Lies and Truth about Martial Arts” project was Sifu Alvaro Nascimento, teacher of Wing Chun, Kung Fu, Dim Mack (KushoJitsu), Kapap…

Master Curt Doyle about his Teacher Kathy Long, five-time World Kickboxing Champion
We present you an exclusive interview of Curt Doyle, a Master of the North American Institute of Self Defense. In an interview in the framework of the “Honorable Knight” program for the “Lies and Truth…

Women Self Defense. Nelson Wagner
A free training lesson with Nelson Wagner on Vasiliev`s System. The main techniques, when capturing, striking and attacking with a knife in Russian Martial Art.

The truth about “Paper tigers” from Curt Doyle
Master/North American self defense institute Curt Doyle shared his opinion about one of the most important problem on today in martial arts world. “Paper tigers” – masters that are masters only on the paper. How…

Nelson Wagner about his teacher Vladimir Vasiliev
Nelson Wagner talks about how the meeting with Vladimir Vasiliev, who became his teacher, changed his whole life. “While I was training with him, I realized that Vladimir is also a good father, a good…

Keith Collyer about reality of knife attacks and acid attacks
Main mistakes of people’s thiinking about knife attacks and what can help one who happened to be in acid attack by opinion of Sifu Keith Collyer – founder and chief instructor of Cross Krav Maga…

Grand Master Bram Frank about his teacher Professor Remy Presas
Bram Frank – Grand Master of Filipino Martial Arts about his teacher Professor Remy Presas

Criminal tradición argentina. Gustavo Barrientos
Gustavo Barrientos – Maestro de Sipalkido y de defensa personal

Grand Master Bram Frank about his teacher Grand Master Clarence Murray
“Such people as Clarence Murray, deduce style out of it limits, dismantle any borders; it’s are a source of inspiration in all undertakings”. Bram Frank, Grand Master of the Filipino martial arts Quite recently in…

Grand Master Steve DeMasko about Black Belt Hall of Fame
“When ordinary people talk about Black Belt Hall of Fame they think that this is quite meaningful for a master to be on that list. But it in reality it does not mean anything! They…

Sifu Guro Jon Rister about New International project
«Lies and truth about martial arts» is a special and unique international project for the following reasons. It goes without bias and looks into what people are teaching, if it is real and effective, whether there…