It is not a secret that Spanish fencing school had a big influence in the medieval European history. One of the facts is that the Charles V and his well-prepared army had conquered almost the whole world. Charles V used to say the following: In my empire the sun never sets. When we speak of the Spanish fencing school we cannot disregard technical elements of its military system, which is a whole science! That particular wisdom was conveyed from a teacher to his student.

Earlier in the articles, we have stated that all technics in Spanish fencing school begin with footwork, and only afterwards one starts using his hands. Meanwhile a fighter may use attacking, counterattacking and defensive elements.
Let us look at the counterattack in the Spanish fencing.
Counterattack means the following: a fighter being defensive, attacks when his enemy starts attacking him. In order to be effective in the counterattack, one has to master the “capo-machine” as it is an important element of the Spanish fencing.

The “Capo-machine” is a certain system that teaches one how to position feet and hands in the counterattack. The first movement of counterattack is a straight lunge.
An opponent attacks you with a straight lunge, at this very moment you should to get in the line of his lunge and counterattack.
How to counterattack?
Hands and blades of two opponents almost do not contact during a duel. At the moment of enemy’s straight lunge makes a slight turn with his corpus, moves on his feet, gets in the straight line and uses the first technique of “Capo-machine”.