Master Nelson Pinto, Instructor “De Alba System – Modern Farang Mu Sul” (derived and licensed by WHRDA). Master 5th Dan in Modern Farang Mu Sul, 7th Dan in Hapkido and Taekwondo. Direct student under Grand Master Michael De Alba. Stockton Multi Style Escrima: Giron Escrima, Serrada Escrima and Decuerdas Escrima under Master June Gotico and Balintawak Cuentada Level 5 under GM Taboada and Guro John Soriano. Nelson Pinto is a President of Fighting Martial Systems (FMS)-Alliance, member & adviser for IDCS (International De Alba System), member of World Kido Federation- South Korea and member of MACS (Martial Arts Collective Society-USA).
Modern Farang Mu Sul is one of the comprehensive systems, which developed by GrandMaster Michael De Alba.