Bram Frank is Grand Master of Filipino Martial Arts, master of the Blade in Modern Arnis. Bram Frank is a first-generation personal student, and disciple of the late Grandmaster Remy Presas, the Father and Founder of MODERN ARNIS. He was with Professor Presas from 1980 till his untimely demise in 2001. Bram has studied various fighting arts such as Wing Chun, JKD, American Freestyle Karate for over 40 years and has taken the principles from each as they can be applied to Filipino Martial Arts.

Bram holds Dan rank in several arts and has been Director of Blunt & Edged weapons training for several federations worldwide. Currently, he is Director of Edged Weapons training at the S2 Law Enforcement-Security Institute. Over the last several years Bram has concentrated on the use of edged weapons/tools as a principle instrument of self-defense and its use in Military, Police and Anti Terror applications. The World Head of Family Sokeship Grandmaster Council has recently recognized Bram as the First Modern Grandmaster on their council: the Grandmaster of a Tactical – Combative Fighting art: Common Sense: Self Defense- Street Combat and its Tactical application Modular Martial Blade Craft.
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