Category: Secrets of world martial arts

About the difficulties of ancient fencing Spanish treatises translations. Cindy Kepp
We have repeatedly raised the topic of translations of ancient treatises on fencing. In the frameworks of this study, we have communicated with many experts who took part in this work. Among them we can…
Weapons of Italian criminal tradition
In 2017 “Unsolved Crimes” newspaper conducted a journalistic investigation and filmed 10 episode documentary on the history of the Italian criminal tradition. One of the episodes covered an investigation of the history of bastone, which…

Structure of the book “Non-compromised pendulum”
The result of the joint work of Tom Patti, student of Cus D’Amato, US elected official and Ph.D Oleg Maltsev, scientist and Grand Maestroat a meeting held this year in New York, USA is the…

The origins of Filipino martial arts and European knights
It is an all known fact that modern Filipino Martial Arts are considered to be unique. This martial art, no doubt, differs from other ones as it is based on mixture of different styles, even…

The Mystery of the Canary Knife. Grand Maestro Oleg Maltsev
Applied scientist, Head of the Institute of Memory, researcher of martial arts, Oleg Maltsev restored the Spanish military tradition, including one of the most dangerous and deadly blades in the world-the Canarian knife. At the…