Author: Maya Wolf

Transition elements of combat sambo
The International marathon dedicated to the project “Enigma of Russian fencing school “was held in January 2018 with the assistance of the “Scientific Research Institute of world martial art traditions study and criminalistics research of…
What is hidden by Alexei Kadochnikov?
Readers of our magazine already know that the rubric “Speculations in the world of martial arts” has a special importance for us. We do gather so-called “brainy” ones. In February 2018, the staff of the…

About the difficulties of ancient fencing Spanish treatises translations. Cindy Kepp
We have repeatedly raised the topic of translations of ancient treatises on fencing. In the frameworks of this study, we have communicated with many experts who took part in this work. Among them we can…

Structure of the book “Non-compromised pendulum”
The result of the joint work of Tom Patti, student of Cus D’Amato, US elected official and Ph.D Oleg Maltsev, scientist and Grand Maestroat a meeting held this year in New York, USA is the…

Palermitan Style of Fencing. 21 Block of Palermitan System. Grand Maestro Oleg Maltsev
This article is based on research results lead in Sicily by Grand Maestro Oleg Maltsev, and on the basis of the documentary on the basis of these research “Shid God” by “Unsolved Crimes” newspaper. We…

Maestro Anatael Palmero Ramos. Tolete stick technique
In the framework of expedition on Tenerife island (Spain) of Expeditionary Corpus lead by scientist and Grand Maestro Oleg Maltsev, there was a free training lesson with Maestro Anatael Palmero Ramos, the head of ancient…

The origins of Filipino martial arts and European knights
It is an all known fact that modern Filipino Martial Arts are considered to be unique. This martial art, no doubt, differs from other ones as it is based on mixture of different styles, even…