Posted in Archetypes of martial arts Secrets of world martial arts

Weapons of Italian criminal tradition

In 2017 “Unsolved Crimes” newspaper conducted a journalistic investigation and filmed 10 episode documentary on the history of the Italian criminal tradition. One of the episodes covered an investigation of the history of bastone, which…

Posted in Events and News

Object of national pride was returned to Spain

History knows many examples of falsification and speculation. Attributing to oneself somebody else’s merits and forgetting brilliancy of geniuses has became a social norm since long. That is the way it was, and always will…

Posted in Die Meister

Meister Sifu Restita Dejeus über seinen Lehrer Ciriaco Cañete

Der Gast der nächsten Ausgabe des Programms «Honorable Knight» für das Projekt «Lies and Truth about Martial Arts», in dem wir über Lehrer sprechen, die das Leben ihrer Schüler beeinflusst haben Sifu Restita Dejesus –…

Posted in Events and News

How did students of Cus D’Amato switch to the state of a predatory animal?

The history of world boxing knows a huge number of champions. Their names one can find in the boxing halls of fame, on the official websites of international boxing associations. However, there are names that…

Posted in Secrets of world martial arts

Structure of the book “Non-compromised pendulum”

The result of the joint work of Tom Patti, student of Cus D’Amato, US elected official and Ph.D Oleg Maltsev, scientist and Grand Maestroat a meeting held this year in New York, USA is the…

Posted in Events and News

Scientific expedition to the homeland of Cus D’Amato

From 1st to 14th December 2017 Expeditionary Corps with the guidance of Ph.D. Oleg Maltsev overcame more than 1000 km to find the answer to a key question: what is the origin of Cus D’Amato’s…

Posted in Events and News

Academic excursus into the sport fencingworld. Gennady Tyshler

New research had started in the framework of the international project “Lies and Truth about Martial Arts”. The topic of this conversation was an academic journey into the world of sportive fencing. Special correspondent of…

Posted in Science of Victory

Overview of the Spanish Fencing and Results of Expedition to Spain of Grand Maestro Oleg Maltsev

Research in the field of Spanish fencing lead by Grand Maestro Oleg Maltsev is in continuation. One of the programs of the “Science of Victory” episodes in the framework of “Lies and Truth about martial…

Posted in Events and News

Unique International Project “Science of Victory”

We are happy to announce that our core publication “World of Martial Arts” has become a media partner of an international project Science of Victory, which will be held from October 26 to November 4,…

Posted in Rare martial arts

Palermitan Style of Fencing. 21 Block of Palermitan System. Grand Maestro Oleg Maltsev

This article is based on research results lead in Sicily by Grand Maestro Oleg Maltsev, and on the basis of the documentary on the basis of these research “Shid God” by “Unsolved Crimes” newspaper. We…

Posted in Science of Victory

“Snake bite”. Second Echelon of the Palermitan Style of Spanish Fencing

In continuation of the study of the Palermitan system of Spanish fencing in the framework of one of the programs “The Science of Victory” Grand Maestro Oleg Maltsev had explained and demonstrated the second echelon,…

Posted in Events and News

Treatise by Gerard Thibault “The Academy of the Sword” published in the Russian language for the first time ever

An eternal monument of the military heritage the treatise of Gerard Thibault “The Academy of the Sword” was translated and published into Russian language for the first time. The translation of the treatise was prepared…