Tag: Martial Arts

Sifu Guro Jon Rister about New International project
«Lies and truth about martial arts» is a special and unique international project for the following reasons. It goes without bias and looks into what people are teaching, if it is real and effective, whether there…

Maestro Anatael Palmero Ramos about the project «Lies and truth in martial arts»
It is a sensation! I would say that project is an innovation in the world of martial arts. There never have been such projects before. I am sure that project is very interesting, but the…

Guru Ferd Terado about New International project
I think “Lies and truth about martial arts” would be a good platform for discussion the more “uncomfortable” topics with regards to martial arts as a whole. As we have done, we talked about a…

Numbering cutting system
It is an all known fact that modern Filipino Martial Arts are considered to be one of the most effective systems when it comes to blade weapons. Needless to say FMA topic is indispensable in…

Open All-Ukrainian Festival of Martial Arts «Best of the Best»
Open All-Ukrainian Festival of Martial Arts «Best of the best» The event will be held with the aim of popularizing martial arts in Ukraine, enhancing sports skills of athletes, as well as promoting healthy lifestyles….

Sipalki do Argentina. Gustavo Barrientos
The history of the origin of Sipalki do martial art. Basic principles, levels, system of certification, types of weapons along with the basic technical elements of attack and defense.
“I’m a brainy. I speculate in the field of martial arts” rubric with Borislav Krustev
In today’s world there is a huge number of different schools, systems and masters in martial arts, correspondingly there is a dispute over these questions: “Who is right, who is to blame? Who is better,…

Science of Victory. Peculiarities of Italian Fencing
What is Fencing for majority of people in today’s world? In past fencing corresponded to “live longer”. Obviously, there were and are certain technical elements which should help to achieve a victory in battle. However,…

The origins of Filipino martial arts and European knights
It is an all known fact that modern Filipino Martial Arts are considered to be unique. This martial art, no doubt, differs from other ones as it is based on mixture of different styles, even…

Honorable Knight. Sifu Francis Fong
“I am grateful to Sifu for lifetime of knowledge that nobody can take from me.” Sifu Guro Jon Rister about his Master Sifu Francis Fong Sifu Guro Jon Rister shared with us about his teacher Francis…

One of the tricks of vulgar people. Manuel Cruzado y Peralta
In the times of forefathers of Spanish Fencing Destreza, particularly two figures Don Luis Pacheco de Narvaez and Jeronimo Sanchez de Carranza started differentiating between Destreza Comun and Destreza Verdadera. The first is Destreza of…

The Mystery of the Canary Knife. Grand Maestro Oleg Maltsev
Applied scientist, Head of the Institute of Memory, researcher of martial arts, Oleg Maltsev restored the Spanish military tradition, including one of the most dangerous and deadly blades in the world-the Canarian knife. At the…